Debt Financing
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Do you want to bring your company to a new level of profitability and sustainability?
Often that means raising money.
Do you know how?
We look at your cash needs, and if you need to obtain a loan we help you prepare the documents to get a loan. We project your cash flows and look at the costs and benefits to your business of getting a loan. Sometims it really is not possible for a new business to obrtain a loan and we will tell you that. If the business has potential, then you will really need to consider an infusion of equity financing.
We also look at novel ways to finance your business, from factoring receivables to really ramping up sales.
Sometimes it is better to "grow" your business by retained earnings, from plowing back your profits into the business. In other cases you will need to ramp up production and you will need cash to do this. This is often industry-specific. But we can disccuss the pros and cons of an infusion of cash.
I will be happy to help you analyze your cash needs, whether it is from debt or equity or a combination of the two. It is by looking at your business as a whole that we can make the best determination of your needs.
Let us take your business to the next level.